Results for 'Angela De Benedictis'

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  1.  26
    L’opposto dell’obbedienza. Pratiche politiche di ribellione, resistenza, sottrazione.Angela de Benedictis & Raffaele Laudani - 2014 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 26 (50).
    Abbiamo rivolto una serie di domande ad Angela de Benedictis e a Raffaele Laudani, autori di due volume che mettono in primo piano il rapporto tra obbedienza e disobbedienza. Il confronto riguarda una serie di concetti politici fondamentali all'interno della storia costituzionale moderna: resistenza, ribellione, rivoluzione, potere costituente, sovranità. Fondamentali risultano i linguaggi con i quali trovano espressione le contestazioni dell'ordine, in particolare il linguaggio giuridico che è spesso usato sia per contestare l'ordine sia per confermarlo. Non da (...)
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    Les tumultes chez Machiavel et la langue de la jurisprudence.Angela De Benedictis - 2016 - Astérion 15 (15).
    Depuis quelque temps, les spécialistes de Machiavel ont dédié leur attention, d’une part, au rôle des tumultes et de l’autre, à la présence de la langue de la jurisprudence dans son œuvre. Jusqu’à présent, ces deux lectures de Machiavel ne sont pas rencontrées. Cette contribution entend montrer jusqu’à quel point la langue de la jurisprudence est présente dans l’écriture de Machiavel sur les tumultes, dans ses premiers textes comme, surtout, dans ses Histoires florentines. En partant de l’analyse machiavélienne de la (...)
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    Per Gerhard Dilcher (1932-2024).Angela De Benedictis - 2025 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 36 (71):179-182.
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    Les tumultes chez Machiavel et la langue de la jurisprudence.Angela De Benedictis - 2016 - Astérion 15 (15).
    In recent years, scholars of Machiavelli have dedicated closer attention to, on one hand, the role played by tumults, and the presence of the language of jurisprudence in his work. Until now, these two readings of Machiavelli have never intersected. This essay aims to show to what extent the language of jurisprudence was present in Machiavelli’s writings on tumults both in his early works, and above all in the Florentine Histories. Starting from Machiavelli’s analysis of the Valdichiana rebellion (1503), the (...)
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    The Social Thought of Saint Bonaventure.Matthew M. De Benedictis - 1949 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (1):147-149.
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  6. (1 other version)The social thought of Saint Bonaventure.Matthew M. De Benedictis - 1946 - [Ann Arbor, Mich.,: Univ. Microfilms.
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    Spirit in Man.Matthew De Benedictis - 1942 - New Scholasticism 16 (2):192-193.
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    Conocimiento y percepción de la eutanasia en estudiantes y profesionales de medicina.Rosolina D.´Amico López, Ginno Alessandro de Benedictis Serrano, Hadvy Humberto Coiran Mendoza & Joaquín Fernando Castro Álvarez - 2020 - Medicina y Ética 31 (3):677-712.
    Antecedente. Se considera «eutanasia» al acto de acabar con la vida del paciente a petición expresa de él, para terminar el sufrimiento propio de alguna enfermedad sin perspectiva de cura. Objetivo. Evaluar los conocimientos y la percepción sobre la eutanasia en estudiantes y profesionales de medicina, demostrando los conocimientos y clasificando la percepción sobre la eutanasia. Metodología. Estudio clínico-epidemiológico, observacional, cualitativo-cuantitativo, de corte transversal y con muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, en los estudiantes y profesionales de medicina de un hospital (...)
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    The Social Thought of Saint Bonaventure.J. G. Clapp & Matthew M. De Benedictis - 1949 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (1):147.
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  10. A construção de mitos e os usos do passado nacional: Vargas e Perón.Angela de Castro Gomes - 1997 - História 16:109-130.
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    Wanted—egg donors for research: A research ethics approach to donor recruitment and compensation.Angela Ballantyne & Sheryl de Lacey - 2008 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 1 (2):145-164.
    As the demand for human eggs for stem cell research increases, debate about appropriate standards for recruitment and compensation of women intensifies. In the majority of cases, the source of eggs for research is women undergoing fertility treatment requiring ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval. The principle of "just participant selection" requires that research subjects be selected from the population that stands to benefit from the research. Based on this principle, infertile women should be actively recruited to donate eggs for fertility-related (...)
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  12. Identidades Nerd/Geek na web: um estudo sobre pedagogias culturais e culturas juvenis // Nerd/Geek Identities on the web: a study on cultural pedagogies and youth culture.Angela Dillmann Nunes Bicca, Ana Paula de Araújo Cunha, Márcia Helena Sauaia Guimarães Rostas & Max de Lima Jahnke - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (1):87-104.
    Neste texto analisamos blogs da Internet como espaços educativos nos quais se produzem/constroem as identidades juvenis de indivíduos que buscam se inserir no grupo cultural conhecido como nerd/geek. Inseridos nos Estudos Culturais, na sua vertente pós-moderna e pós-estruturalista, valemo-nos da noção de Representação Cultural para analisar como as identidades são constituídas com a escrita/leitura de blogs disponibilizados na web. Destacamos que a forma como se dá o agrupamento dos jovens que escrevem/leem os blogs é efêmera e espontânea, baseada no prazer (...)
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  13. de Benedictis, M., The social thought of Saint Bonaventura. [REVIEW]J. Schneider - 1947 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 57:508-510.
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    Principles for the Development of Domain Conceptual Models for Knowledge Organization Systems: An Analysis of Methodologies for Developing Learning Paths in the Field of Corporate Education.Patrícia Lopes Ferreira França, Maria Luiza de Almeida Campos & Gercina Ângela de Lima - 2021 - Knowledge Organization 47 (7):592-603.
    This article presents a set of principles for knowledge modeling in knowledge organization systems in specific domains. It discusses the representational problem, comparing the abstraction mechanisms present in the theories related to representation in concept systems, taken from foundational authors of information science, computer science, and terminology approaches. Parallel to this context, several representational possibilities arise to assist the modeler in the activity of elaborating models of representation. It describes the application of theoretical and methodological principles when organizing, representing, and (...)
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  15. Idealization and the Aims of Science.Angela Potochnik - 2017 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Science is the study of our world, as it is in its messy reality. Nonetheless, science requires idealization to function—if we are to attempt to understand the world, we have to find ways to reduce its complexity. Idealization and the Aims of Science shows just how crucial idealization is to science and why it matters. Beginning with the acknowledgment of our status as limited human agents trying to make sense of an exceedingly complex world, Angela Potochnik moves on to (...)
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  16. Patterns in Cognitive Phenomena and Pluralism of Explanatory Styles.Angela Potochnik & Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1306-1320.
    Debate about cognitive science explanations has been formulated in terms of identifying the proper level(s) of explanation. Views range from reductionist, favoring only neuroscience explanations, to mechanist, favoring the integration of multiple levels, to pluralist, favoring the preservation of even the most general, high-level explanations, such as those provided by embodied or dynamical approaches. In this paper, we challenge this framing. We suggest that these are not different levels of explanation at all but, rather, different styles of explanation that capture (...)
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  17. Idealization and Many Aims.Angela Potochnik - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (5):933-943.
    In this paper, I first outline the view developed in my recent book on the role of idealization in scientific understanding. I discuss how this view leads to the recognition of a number of kinds of variability among scientific representations, including variability introduced by the many different aims of scientific projects. I then argue that the role of idealization in securing understanding distances understanding from truth, but that this understanding nonetheless gives rise to scientific knowledge. This discussion will clarify how (...)
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  18. Public interest in health data research: laying out the conceptual groundwork.Angela Ballantyne & G. Owen Schaefer - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (9):610-616.
    The future of health research will be characterised by three continuing trends: rising demand for health data; increasing impracticability of obtaining specific consent for secondary research; and decreasing capacity to effectively anonymise data. In this context, governments, clinicians and the research community must demonstrate that they can be responsible stewards of health data. IRBs and RECs sit at heart of this process because in many jurisdictions they have the capacity to grant consent waivers when research is judged to be of (...)
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    Die Analogie von Vernunft Und Naturthe Analogy of Reason and Natur: Eine Umweltphilosophie Nach Kant.Angela Breitenbach - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Main description: Angesichts der zunehmenden Zerstörung der Natur durch den Menschen und der technischen Fortschritte in den Biowissenschaften ist die Frage nach dem Verhältnis des Menschen zu seiner natürlichen Umwelt von höchster Aktualität. Ausgehend von der Philosophie Kants, nach der die Betrachtung der Natur wesentlich in einer Analogie mit der Vernunft des Menschen gründet, entwickelt Angela Breitenbach einen Ansatz zu einer modernen Umweltphilosophie, die einen wichtigen Beitrag zu aktuellen Debatten in der Umweltethik und der Philosophie der Biologie liefert.
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    The BEST Dataset of Language Proficiency.Angela de Bruin, Manuel Carreiras & Jon Andoni Duñabeitia - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    On vulnerability—analysis and applications of a many-faceted concept : Introduction.Angela Martin & Samia Hurst - 2017 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 12 (2-3):146-153.
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    Emploi et handicap.Angela Wegscheider & Marie-Renée Guével - 2021 - Alter- European Journal of Disability Research 15-1 (15-1):8-14.
    Avoir un emploi est un facteur essentiel pour assurer à une personne un niveau d’indépendance et un sentiment d’estime de soi satisfaisant. Dans notre société où le travail occupe une place centrale, gagner sa vie grâce à un emploi suffisamment rémunéré permet de garantir sa propre existence et de mener une vie indépendante. Outre les bénéfices financiers, avoir un emploi est associé à des bénéfices psychologiques tels qu’un sentiment d’appartenance accru, une diminution de l’anxiété et un bi...
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    Reflections on epistemological aspects of artificial intelligence during the COVID-19 pandemic.Angela A. R. de Sá, Jairo D. Carvalho & Eduardo L. M. Naves - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-8.
    Artificial intelligence plays an important role and has been used by several countries as a health strategy in an attempt to understand, control and find a cure for the disease caused by Coronavirus. These intelligent systems can assist in accelerating the process of developing antivirals for Coronavirus and in predicting new variants of this virus. For this reason, much research on COVID-19 has been developed with the aim of contributing to new discoveries about the Coronavirus. However, there are some epistemological (...)
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    Implicit Attitude Toward Caregiving: The Moderating Role of Adult Attachment Styles.Pietro De Carli, Angela Tagini, Diego Sarracino, Alessandra Santona & Laura Parolin - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Tambores do Sertão Diferença Colonial e Interculturalidade: entreliçamento entre Umbanda/Quimbanda e Candomblé Angola no Norte de Minas Gerais.Angela Cristina Borges - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (44):1651-1654.
    BORGES, Angela Cristina. Tambores do sertão, diferença colonial e interculturalidade: entreliçamento entre Umbanda/Quimbanda e Candomblé Angola no Norte de Minas Gerais. 2016. Tese - Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Religião, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo.
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    Habiter en kosmopolite : enquête sur les modes de comportement.Angela Cozea - 2007 - Horizons Philosophiques 17 (2):81-107.
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    Kant on Biology and the Experience of Life.Angela Breitenbach - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing, Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 19-30.
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    La transmission d’un métier et l’exercice d’un travail : limites et avantages de genre (Rome, xviie-xviiie siècle).Angela Groppi - 2021 - Clio 54 (54):233-245.
    We have chosen to publish in this number an unusual and original text by the distinguished Italian historian Angela Groppi (1947-2020). It is based on the typescript of a paper she presented at the workshop held in Rouen on 13 March 2015 on Women, Rights and Work in the Modern Period (Normandy/Europe), which was organized by Anna Bellavitis. This text represents an aspect of Angela Groppi’s long-term research agenda, at the crossroads between the social history of women and (...)
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    Understanding Kantian Understanding.Angela Breitenbach - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner, Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 1175-1182.
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  30. Comercio y cosmopolitismo en la filosofía política de David Hume.Ángela Calvo de Saavedra - 2006 - Universitas Philosophica 47:59-82.
  31. The reaction to Descartes in seventeenth century Naples. The Jesuit theologian Giovambattista De Benedictis.G. DeLiguori - 1996 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 16 (3):330-359.
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  32. La reazione a Cartesio nella Napoli del Seicento. Giovambattista De Benedictis.Girolamo De Liguori - 1996 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 75:330-359.
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    Interpreting and Writing the Law in Digital Society: Remarks Made on a Shift of Paradigm.Angela Condello - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (4):1175-1186.
    In this article I discuss the nature and sense of legal reasoning as reasonableness, i.e. as judgement and equilibrium between normativity and factuality, and as constant approximation between these two dimensions. By phrasing the intertwinement between legal hermeneutics and the nature and function of writing, the structure of the article is constructed so that the focus is on the changes currently occurring with the so-called ‘digital revolution’: in imagining a juridical system administrated through data analysis and algorithms, some contradictions emerge, (...)
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  34. Noción de crisis: acepciones, límites y actualidad del concepto.Angela Boitano - 2019 - Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 14.
    En este artı́culo se examinan los usos, significados y la actualidad de la noción de crisis. Esta revisión se basa en el análisis de la polisemia del concepto (I), ası́ como en una revisión no exhaustiva del tratamiento que hacen de este concepto algunos autores como Jürgen Habermas y Bolı́var Echeverria (II). Finalmente, en base a las lecturas de Foucault y Butler, se sostiene la potencialidad de la noción de crisis como herramienta analı́tica para comprender nuestro presente marcado en Chile (...)
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  35. RESEÑA. Judith Butler. Sin miedo. Formas de resistencia a la violencia de hoy. Madrid: Taurus, 2020. Revista Estudios Públicos 160 (2020), 143-149.Angela Boitano - 2020 - Revista Estudios Públicos 160 (2020), 143-149 1 (160):143-149.
    Suele ser decepcionante asistir a la conferencia de algún/a filósofo/a u otro/a pensador/a, artista si es que uno ya lo ha leído, estudiado o seguido su obra por algún tiempo. Leer Sin miedo no ha sido la excepción. De ahí el valor de una reseña de libro, a saber: definir la audiencia para la cual el texto comentado podría ser un aporte. En este sentido, Sin miedo es perfecto para un público poco familiarizado con la obra de Butler o que (...)
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    De Beauvoir, Existentialism and Marx.Angela Shepherd - 2018 - Sartre Studies International 24 (1):70-90.
    In this article, I focus on de Beauvoir’s view and argue that, alongside an original account of existential freedom, she utilises a Marxist-inspired historical materialism as a methodological tool with which to analyse the social position of women. First, I discuss existential freedom and highlight de Beauvoir’s introduction of gender, whereby the concepts of material, social and situational conditions cohere to restrict the possibility of freedom and agency for women. Next, I explore Marx’s view on freedom and de Beauvoir’s endorsement (...)
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    Espiritualidad en el contexto de cuidados paliativos oncológicos dirigidos a personas mayores.Ángela Arenas Massa, Alejandra Nocetti de la Barra & Carmen Gloria Fraile Ducviq - 2020 - Persona y Bioética 24 (2):136-150.
    Spirituality in Palliative Care Aimed at the ElderlyEspiritualidade no contexto de cuidados paliativos oncológicos a idososIn the last decade, spirituality has been studied in oncological palliative care for the elderly from quantitative, qualitative, and mixed perspectives. The study seeks to reveal the meaning of spirituality in this context. It reviews indexed literature from the MEDLINE database through PubMed between 2009 and 2019, which was accessed online, in full text, anonymously, and in English and Spanish. Revista Medicina Paliativa was manually searched. (...)
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    Um estudo sobre percepções de profi ssionais de um serviço de atendimento às vítimas de violência e exploração sexual.Beatriz Mello de Albuquerque, Narjara Mendes Garcia & Maria Angela Mattar Yunes - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 37:73-90.
    O presente artigo apresenta um estudo de caso sobre um serviço público que atende crianças, adolescentes e famílias vítimas de violência, abuso e exploração sexual. O objetivo foi compreender as percepções dos profissionais para esboçar uma análise das práticas sociais e relacionais da equipe para c..
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    La ciencia de la naturaleza humana y la detrascendentalización de la fenomenología.Ángela Calvo de Saavedra - 2013 - Universitas Philosophica 30 (61).
    Este artículo revisa el diálogo que Husserl establece con Humemientras reconstruye la génesis de la filosofía. Lo discutiréen dos partes: la primera se refiere a la “verdadera filosofía”y, la segunda, desarrolla una lectura fenomenológica delmétodo experimental de Hume. Intento explicar la evaluaciónambivalente que hace Husserl del proyecto de Hume, yproponer una manera en la que Hume pueda responder a suscríticas. Concluyo, más allá de Husserl, que Hume abrió uncamino promisorio para la fenomenología, que yo llamo una“fenomenología detrascendentalizada”.
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    Crítica de libros.Ángela Lorena Fuster, Ester Jordana, Matías Sirczuk, José Luis Delgado Rojo, Marina López, Rocío Orsi, Alfredo Bergés, Clara Fernández Díaz-Rincón, Antonio Campillo Meseguer, Fernando Broncano, M. Teresa López de la Vieja & Carmen Rivera Parra - 2013 - Isegoría 49 (49):683-732.
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  41. Poder civilizador de la sensibilidad moral.Ángela Calvo de Saavedra - 1997 - Universitas Philosophica 28:51-62.
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  42. Simpatía y espectáculo en la moral de David Hume.Ángela Calvo de Saavedra - 1994 - Universitas Philosophica 22:11-28.
    La investigación humeana acerca de los principios de la moral parte de la pasión como motivo de la acción y al mismo tiempo pretende que su valoración ha de guiarse por la utilidad. Si bien son dos afirmaciones difíciles de combinar, la tesis del presente estudio es que la posibilidad de tender un puente entre la aspiración a la felicidad privada y el interés por el bienestar público está anclada, en su origen, en el sentimiento de benevolencia que el autor (...)
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    Expectativas e sentimentos de mães solteiras sobre a experiência do parto.Angela Helena Marin, Tagma Marina Schneider Donelli, Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes & Cesar Augusto Piccinini - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 29:57-72.
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    Fabular imagens intervalares e montar imagens sobreviventes: aproximações e diferenças entre os métodos de Rancière e Didi-Huberman.Angela Cristina Salgueiro Marques, Luis Mauro Sá Martino, Frederico da Cruz Vieira de Souza & Elton Antunes - 2020 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (1).
    O objetivo central deste artigo é explorar aspectos centrais e específicos do pensamento de Jacques Rancière e Georges Didi-Huberman acerca das imagens. Interessa-nos identificar como ambos elaboram métodos de reflexão acerca do trabalho das imagens a partir das noções de montagem, intervalo, ficção, visibilidade, legibilidade e sobrevivências. As semelhanças e diferenças entre tais métodos serão observadas a partir de reflexão crítica de textos e obras dos autores.
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    L’interprétation ricœurienne de Fichte : une lecture commune du primat kantien de la raison pratique.Angela Renzi - 2024 - Fichte-Studien 53 (2):541-563.
    Résumé Cette contribution se propose d’établir un lien critique entre Ricœur et Fichte afin de déterminer deux objectifs. Le premier objectif consiste à analyser la réception complexe de Fichte par Ricœur, qui constitue à mon avis une approche interprétative intéressante de la philosophie transcendantale. Ricœur souligne la richesse inexplorée de la philosophie fichtéenne, qui se trouve précisément dans la philosophie transcendantale et dans le sentiment d’être en tant qu’affirmation éthique et point de départ de la réflexion elle-même et affirme vouloir (...)
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  46. La confianza:¿ Categoría mediadora entre la obligación Y el cuidado en filosofía moral?: La voz de Annette Baier en la filosofía feminista.Angela Calvo de Saavedra - 2009 - Universitas Philosophica 26 (53):37-53.
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    Utopia e educação: o pensamento de Theodore Brameld.Maria Angela Vinagre de Almeida - 1980 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
  48. A História da Educação Infantil no Paraná de 1930 até Meados de 1940.Ângela Mara de Barros Lara - 2006 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 8 (1).
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  49. La confianza, ¿categoría mediadora entre la obligación y el cuidado en filosofía moral?: la voz de Annette Baier en la filosofía feminista.Ángela Calvo de Saavedra - 2009 - Universitas Philosophica 26 (53):37-53.
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  50. El siglo XIX: la mecanización de la imagen (cuando el ornamento se comió al Arte).Angela Sánchez de Vera - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 37:49-51.
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